Photography by Marina Dmitrik
I got a call from Derek Adams from Studiodsq.com and he asked me to work with him on a Teelings Distillery project. We sat down and come up with some paintings that fitted the Teeling’s brief. The darker paintings would sit well with the design of the distillery tour. The following photos document the process from phase 1 which included 6 paintings for the introduction area of the distillery tour. Phase 2 and 3 were completed in the following years. I owe a huge thanks to the team at Teelings and staff for giving me the opportunity for this great mural Project. You can see the rest of the paintings on the Whiskey Tour.

Photos curated by Marina Dmitrik
When I got a call from Derek Adams from Studiodsq.com and asked to work with Teelings and come up with some paintings that would fit Derek’s brief and the imagery for the design of the distillery tour. The following photos from Marina Dmitrik document the process. This was Phase 1 in the introduction area. Phase 2 and 3 were completed in the following years when the distillery closes to clean the pots.